Vo Thi Kim Loan - E-learning application according to the flipped classroom model towards approaching the fourth industrial revolution

Tên tác giả:
Vo Thi Kim Loan

Tên bài báo:
E-learning application according to the flipped classroom model towards approaching the fourth industrial revolution

Tên tạp chí:
Universum: Psychology and Education

Năm, số, trang:
2022, №7(97)

DOI: 10.32743/UniPsy.2022.97.7.14015

ISSN 2311-6099. 

Full text

Thông tin trích dẫn:
Vo Thi Kim Loan (2022), E-learning application according to the flipped classroom model towE-learning application according to the flipped classroom model towards approaching the fourth industrial revolutionards approaching the fourth industrial revolution, Universum: Psychology and Education, №7(97), DOI: 10.32743/UniPsy.2022.97.7.14015, ISSN 2311-6099. 

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